Language: EN

Guangzhou Daoke Biomedical Technology Co.,Ltd.

TEL: +86 20 87503289

MOB: +86 1343022651


About Us

About Us
  • 100+name

    Professional team

  • 1000+wan USD

    Gross annual income

  • 200+item

    Patent certification

  • 5000+

    Production base

Who are We?

Guangzhou Daoke Biomedical Technology Co.,Ltd. is a leading manufacturer of animal rapid diagnostic testing kits based in Guangzhou, China. We specialize in providing high-quality, reliable, and cost-effective diagnostic solutions for the veterinary industry.Our mission is committed to provide high-quality medical diagnostic products and a full range of solution for animal disease. We satisfy our customer with consistently reliable, convenient and efficient product and service to the user around the world. We are dedicated to providing products which are designed to meet the rigorous standards of the industry, and are manufactured in accordance with Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) guidelines. We use advanced technology and state-of-the-art equipment to ensure that our products are accurate, precise, and easy to use. 

 Our values :    Innovation\Quality\Integrity\Continuous improvement

 Our product:    Medical Science、Veterinary Medical、Veterinary Rapid Test kits、Pet Care Parts


What are Our Values?


We are committed to providing high-quality, reliable, and cost-effective diagnostic solutions that are easy to use and provide accurate results.

Customer Care

We strive to deliver excellent customer service and build long-lasting relationships with our clients.


We conduct our business with honesty, transparency and ethical principles.


We believe in the power of collaboration and teamwork to achieve our goals and to drive our company's growth.

Continuous improvement

We strive for excellence in everything we do and are committed to continuously improving our products, processes, and services.


  • 广州道科生物营业执照带公章
  • 二类医疗器械经营许可证
  • 阿里认证供应商证书
  • 01-ISO13485证书
  • Factory Display